Higher Score Guarantee

+5 Point Score Increase or 510+ Score

Unlike other programs that only guarantee that your score increases by 1 point, we offer a 5 point, 510+ higher score guarantee; guaranteeing your score increase by 5 point or that you score a 510+ on your official MCAT exam.

With MCAT Fundamentals+ and the MCAT Elite programs we’re so confident that you we provide everything you need to maximize your score that we give a money back guarantee.

With MCAT Fundamentals+ we offer you a higher score guarantee, minus the costs of books and materials. If you take an offical MCAT exam within 6 months of completing the program and have your test scored, if your MCAT score doesn't increase from your initial diagnostic score we welcome you to take the program again for free. We'll work with you again to address what deficiencies you still may have and if you score still doesn't increase, we give you back your course fee minus the cost of materials.

With MCAT Elite and MCAT Elite + we offer a 5 point increase or 510+ higher score guarantee. If you take an official MCAT exam within 6 months of completing the program and have your test scored, we guarantee that you'll either increase your MCAT score by 5 points from your initial diagnostic score or you'll score a 510 or above. Otherwise, we welcome you to take the program again for free. We'll work with you again to address what deficiencies you still may have and if you score still doesn't increase, we give you back your course fee minus the cost of materials.

In order to qualify for the guarantee you must attend and participate in 90% of the review sessions, one-on-one sessions and submit 90% of the required homework as scheduled.
Free One Week Trial

We offer a full week of MCAT Prep for free. If you aren’t 100% satisfied with your purchase we'll refund your purchase minus the cost of materials received..